29 September 2011

Art Pieces!!!

Hi finally got around post some work from the last week and a half. All these art pieces help develop my basic art skills (such as life drawing, use of mark making materials, using Adobe PhotoShop and other aspects). I'll try update my blog my frequently from now on. Enjoy :D


16 September 2011

Hi everybody!!! Been a long time I posted anything I know. Any way I started Art Foundation this week and I love it! We have been trying a lot of different experimental ways of art. It's really interesting. Also found out were going to Venice in November to see the Venice Biennale, which is apparently the biggest art festivals in the world. I havn't got much good work to show you this week but theres a sample of collage we were doing below. Going to try my best to post every week from now on. Tara till then :D